performance, 2023



Through movement, performing and transformation, Vulcano works with the themes of gender, identity, space-claiming and vulnerability. The work is born from the possibilites of the internet; it feeds its purpose from feminism and Judith Butler’s performative gender theory. It introduces the gender-fluid drag queen Vulva T, who asks: if there’s no biological gender, what is drag and where can you take it?


Vulcano is a dance solo and a presentational part of a degree project “Dragging The Drag” at DOCH, BA of Fine Arts in Dance Performance, presented in January 2017. Vulcano is made in a collaboration with the choreographer Halla Òlafsdóttir (mentoring), light designer Sofia Linde, costume designer Lucy Martin and an artist Bronwyn Bailey-Charteris (mentoring).

Through movement, performing and transformation, Vulcano works with the themes of gender, identity, space-claiming and vulnerability. The work is born from the possibilites of the internet; it feeds its purpose from feminism and Judith Butler’s performative gender theory. It introduces the gender-fluid drag queen Vulva T, who asks: if there’s no biological gender, what is drag and where can you take it?

Vulcano is a tool and a moment to deal with shame: with the character as a shield, the performer finally dares.

“This degree project poses the urgent question whether a drag identity can be queered or dragged further. As such it asks questions around identity construction and authenticity of gender. The practical presentation was an emotionally strong performance which skilfully balanced between the different gender identities of Vulva T, Tiia and perhaps others.”

-Pavle Heider, Tove Salmgren ja Josefine Wikström (Grading Statements, Examination works, DOCH)

Duration: 25 min
Choreography and performance: Tiia Kasurinen
Light Design: Sofia Linde
Costume Design: Lucy Martin
Artistic advice: Halla Òlafsdóttir, Bronwyn Bailey-Charteris


Vulcano on sekä tanssiesitys että Kasurisen taiteellisen lopputyön ”Dragging the Drag” fyysinen presentaatio, esitetty Tukholman taideyliopistossa tammikuussa 2017. Vulcano on soolo, mutta se on tehty yhteistyössä koreografi Halla Òlafsdóttirin (mentorointi), valosuunnittelija Sofia Linden, pukusuunnittelija Lucy Martinin ja artisti Bronwyn Bailey-Charteriksen (mentorointi) kanssa.

Vulcano tutkii esitystilanteen, muuntautumisen ja liikkeen voimin sukupuolta, identiteettiä, tilanottamista sekä haavoittuvaisuutta. Se on inspiroitunut ja syntynyt internetin mahdollisuuksista; se ruokkii tarkoitustaan feminismillä ja filosofi Judith Butlerin performatiivisella sukupuolikäsityksellä. Se tuo eteen ei-binäärisen drag queenin, joka kieltäytyy naispuolisille tekijöille tarkoitetusta faux queen -termistä ja kysyy: jos ei ole olemassa luonnollista sukupuolta, mitä on drag ja mihin sen voi viedä?

Vulcano työstää myös lavalla olemisen sekä tilan ottamisen häpeää: drag-hahmo on haarniska, jonka avulla esiintyjä voi viimeinkin uskaltaa.

“This degree project poses the urgent question whether a drag identity can be queered or dragged further. As such it asks questions around identity construction and authenticity of gender. The practical presentation was an emotionally strong performance which skilfully balanced between the different gender identities of Vulva T, Tiia and perhaps others.”

-Pavle Heider, Tove Salmgren ja Josefine Wikström (Grading Statements, Examination works, DOCH)

Kesto: 25 minuuttia
Koreografia ja Esitys: Tiia Kasurinen
Valosuunnittelu: Sofia Linde
Pukusuunnittelu: Lucy Martin
Mentorointi: Halla Òlafsdóttir, Bronwyn Bailey-Charteris